jills story
The summer of 2013 my family moved from Michigan to northern California, over time I began watching a Sunday morning TV program before we went to church and loved how we were encouraged to find ways to uplift & inspire those around us. So, I decided to start sending daily emails Mon-Fri to my family & friends. Not only was it a way for me to stay in touch, but it became a way for me to encourage them through sending funny, uplifting messages.
Over time my emails evolved and every morning I prayed God would use His words & not my own so that he could give a message to someone who needed it. At times I questioned what he was asking me to write & even wrestled with it, but eventually gave in & wrote what God put on my heart. Every time I trusted Him & wrote His words, someone would write me a note saying that was exactly what they needed & I knew in that moment God was using me for a bigger purpose than I could even comprehend. Shortly after I began these emails, I felt God pressing on my heart to extend these messages beyond family & friends, so here I am!
Growing up God was very much a part of my upbringing. I never knew how important that would be until the day our son Nathan died from Meningitis just two weeks after his 2nd Birthday. I do believe our lives are divinely guided and if we pay attention we can see God in all situations, giving us a glimmer of hope in the darkest moments. If we keep our eyes focused on Him you will feel his presence with you every step of the way.
Through sharing my personal spiritual journey with you, I hope you will be inspired to keep pushing forward on your own journey, no matter what you are currently facing. At some point in our lives we will all face adversities & experience obstacles that will challenge us, stretch us & even rock us to our very core, leaving us to question whether we can make it through.
My blog messages are designed to introduce those to God who may not have had the pleasure of growing up sharing an intimate relationship with Him and it is designed for those who are seeking P.E.A.C.E. in their lives. God is not only my heavenly Father, but he is my closest friend in whom I speak daily with.
Look for God winks (signs from God) that he is always with you because I witness them on a daily basis. My wish is that you will too! A great book to read is "When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence" by Squire D. Rushnell​​​​​​

Jill Theriault
Over the years I have recognized God's goodness and faithfulness in my life, and I have found P.E.A.C.E. within His Word, and I have found contentment in my personal relationship with Him.
My prayer is that everyone will continue to seek God's P.E.A.C.E. in His Word and pursue an intimate relationship with Him!
John 14:27
Matthew 6:33 NIV
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
This verse means to put God first in your life and fill your thoughts with his desires. We are to use his character as our life's pattern and to implement his values here on earth.
The best book we can read is the Bible itself because God speaks directly to you through his Word. His Word is where we all find P.E.A.C.E. (Purpose, Encouragement, Acceptance, Clarity, Endurance). God guides and directs our steps; and as James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to you." Friends, I encourage you to repent of your sins and know that when you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, you will be forgiven. Romans 10:9-13
My Family!

Our 25th Wedding Renewal
with our boys Nicholas & Adam

The loves in my life are God, Family, Friends, Travel & Photography!