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Examining Our Hearts

Writer's picture: JMTheriaultJMTheriault

In the medical field doctors examine our hearts to determine how healthy we are physically. Today we are going to take inventory of our own hearts to determine if we are spiritually healthy.

In order for us to glean from the Bible, we need to first examine our heart posture to make sure we are able to receive the message the Holy Spirit is revealing to us. Our heart posture refers to the inner attitude or the disposition of our hearts (our natural tendency to think, feel, or act a certain way).

Here are a few questions that will help us determine our heart posture.

1) What truth am I refusing to believe?

  • Is there any sin in your life that you are trying to justify? (1 John 1:9)

  • We must humble ourselves before the Lord and confess our sins (James 4:6-10)

2) What truth is bearing fruit in your life right now?

  • Despite our hardships the Holy Spirit is still at work within us. (Philippians 2:13)

  • What fruit is He cultivating and producing in your life? (Galatians 5:22-23)

3) Does your disposition tend to dwell on negativity?

  • Determine if your thoughts align with God's word, if not adjust your thoughts (Romans 12:2)

  • Setup a calendar reminder to name three things you are grateful for each day. (1 Thess 5:18)

  • If you have an unresolved conflict, go to that person immediately and resolve it, do not give the devil a foothold (Ephesians 4:25-31)

4) Are you quick to give grace and forgive others?

  • Pray and ask God to reveal any resentment that you are holding on to so that your heart posture can be changed to a place of grace, mercy, and forgiveness (Colossians 3:12-17)

Now that you have taken time to answer the questions above and have read God's instructions about each, you will be able to determine the condition of your heart. If there is any bitterness within us, we must adjust our hearts before we can draw closer to God. The current condition of our heart impacts our relationship with Him, so this adjustment is required in order for us to hear the Holy Spirits voice within.

Hebrews 12:14 NIV says, "Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord." Let's read that again, we (this means focus on ourselves not what others should do or not do) are to make every effort (this means we are relentless in our pursuit of peace and harmony with others) to live in peace with who? Everyone! So, the question we must ask ourselves is this: are we making every effort to live in peace? Remember the ending of this verse should not be ignored because without holiness no one will see the Lord, so it's imperative that we make every effort to resolve our conflicts. This means we don't wait for others to come to us, we go to them because we can have the confidence that God will go with us if we go with the right motives and heart space.

Key aspects for healthy heart posture include:

  • Always seeking forgiveness and renewal (Psalm 51:10-12)

  • Guarding our hearts (Proverbs 4:23)

  • True worship from the inmost being (John 4:23-24)

  • Prayerful dependence upon God (Matthew 7:8; John 15:5)

Friends, we live in a sinful world, and we will always fall short of God's glory, but that does not give us a reason to keep sinning or to keep harboring ill thoughts towards others. As I wrote this message, I felt convicted and perhaps you did too. Just know this shows the Holy Spirit is working in each of our lives, and He is revealing what He wants to change within us.

Examining our hearts often allows God the space to work within us. I hope that each one of us will take this message to heart and be intentional about changing the areas God has revealed to us today.

Written by: Jill Theriault

Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime

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