Experiential Knowledge
Often times I hear people say that they are not comfortable with sharing their faith because they don't know how to defend it, due to the fact that they don't know the Bible well. So today I would like to share what God laid on my heart this morning.
Experiential knowledge: is how you share your faith!
You share what God has done in your life. For example:
How has God protected you? Were you spared from an accident?
How has He provided for you financially? Did you receive a refund check out of the blue?
How has He blessed you? Fill in the answer...
I want to encourage you to get a journal and label it "Spiritual Markers" and every time you see God's favor write it down and date it. Give explanation of the circumstance and how God showed up for you. Trust me, the more you do this the more you will see God working in and through your life!
The best way to defend your faith is to make it a priority to read God's Word daily so you can become familiar with it. Friends, we have a invaluable resource literally at our fingertips that is FILLED with God's wisdom. His Word will guide and direct our lives daily (Psalm 32:8; Romans 12:2; Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 30:21), it has the ability to help us make decisions that will bless our future (Genesis 12:2-3; Proverbs 3:1-14), it strengthens us (Isaiah 41:13) and gives us peace (John 14:27, John 16:33) when we feel weak or overwhelmed (Romans 8:26-28; 1 Corinthians 10:13), when you are grieving (Psalm 34:18, Psalm 147:3), it will strengthen you (Isaiah 41:10; Deuteronomy 31:8), when you feel alone (1 Peter 5:7), it will remind you that you are not. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Proverbs 18:15 NIV
"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out."

We must become disciplined in making God a priority in our lives by reading the Bible every single day. Take some time to read the verses listed above.
Okay, I am sensing that the excuses have already started surfacing in your mind, am I right? You know, the one that says: "I am exhausted when I get home, I work 10-12 hour days, I have to take care of my family (cooking, cleaning, laundry), I have to run kids to sporting practices and games..." friends, trust me when I say there is ZERO judgment here because like you, I have used the exact same excuses myself.
So how can we make the Bible a priority? The secret is: we create small attainable steps!
Leave your Bible in your car so while the kids are practicing sports you can read that instead of looking at social media on your phone.
Another idea: leave your Bible on the couch so the minute you sit down you see it.
Before you turn on the TV make a commitment to read one verse (start with a smaller book that only has 4 or 5 chapters) The Old and New Testament both have smaller books to choose from. Pray and ask God to show you where to start.
If you feel inclined to read more, read an entire chapter per day, and before you know it, you have read an entire book in a week!
When we take smaller steps toward our goals, we can attain them...don't allow the devil to keep you where you are. Use this indispensable resource God has given you, it will be LIFE CHANGING I can promise you that...how do I know? Because I have experiential knowledge of this!!! God has done some astonishing work in my life, trust me when I say I am not bragging on myself, but I am bragging on God because there are situations that would have failed had God not graciously stepped in to help me and for that I am eternally grateful.
James 1:5 NIV "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

Start tracking God's goodness in your life and you too, will become excited about sharing your faith with others because you will be able to explain how He stepped in and helped you too.
Where to begin? Tip: Billy Graham read five chapters of Psalms and one chapter of Proverbs every day, so I decided to try that myself and gained such a wealth of knowledge from doing this, so I have decided to read it again!
I want to challenge you to start reading a minimum of one verse a day and eventually a chapter! As you begin this journey, I hope you will share how God is working in your life!
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime