Faulty Focus
Updated: Jan 25, 2023
After reading the chapter “Faulty Focus” in “Calm The Anxious Heart” I felt compelled to share it with you, hope you don’t mind.
It talks about how some of us live without direction, we live dot to dot lives. We’re waiting for the right job, man, baby or just simply waiting for something to give our lives meaning. Our faulty focus makes contentment an impossible dream.

At some point in our lives we all have experienced this “waiting” period haven’t we? I know I have questioned what God wanted me to do. If you find yourself in this stage I’d like to encourage you to pray & ask God to bring clarity to your life’s purpose. As Linda reminds us in her book one way to do this is to create a life purpose statement. Some of you may think where do I begin or what exactly is a life purpose statement. I would encourage you to google life purpose statements to help get you started or read about Linda’s friends statements in her book, she gives four great examples.
One person had a timeline, she marked where she’d be at 80, then worked backwards from there which I thought was clever. Another visualized her life as a tree, the trunk represents her relationship with Christ & the limbs represent major areas of God-given responsibility, such as job, family, ministry & personal development. The branches were activities & opportunities of life. She talks about how she prunes it several times a year where she spends time with God, evaluates her life & sets new directions.

Whatever method you decide to choose just know that living our life’s purpose is going to be our biggest challenge we face as we learn to stay focused & disciplined with it. As Linda says: The process of living, day in and day out, tends to dilute and divert focus. This is so true right? She also says, The horizon is never visible in the middle of a dust storm. But we must have a vision that extends beyond tomorrow. What a great reminder!
So wherever you are today your challenge is to reach out to God, ask him to guide your life and to reveal your life’s purpose to you!
Remember it’s up to us to do the hard work, but if we stay focused we can all be successful with Gods help! Get busy writing your life's purpose statement….put it on your refrigerator & read it every day.
Ephesians 5:15-17
Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
email message from 11/19/19
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime