God's Goodness and Faithfulness: My Spiritual Journey
Updated: Jan 25, 2023
Today I want to take a moment to reflect on my spiritual journey and how God has been good and faithful in my life.
Psalm 40:5 NIV is actually how I feel about sharing my testimony, it says: “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.”
God is a gracious and forgiving Father, despite the fact that I am a sinner and fall short of being who He calls me to be.
Watching the series "The Chosen" has brought to life how Jesus chose disciples that were flawed, and having that fresh perspective gave me hope because if Jesus used them and Paul in mighty ways as Acts 19:11 says, then I know He can use each one of us as well.

To wrap my mind around the depth of God's grace and forgiveness is one that we cannot even begin to comprehend. But I can honestly say it's extremely humbling and brings me to tears even as I write this message because I know I am not deserving of it and yet God loves me UN-conditionally and His Word shows us how to love one another just the same...
This morning I had a visual of me falling at His feet when I see him face to face, I never really thought about how that would unfold, but I feel as if I was given a glimpse of it.
I love this photo of the girl hugging Jesus because I love the expression on her face! Speaks volumes, doesn't it? Oh, what a glorious day it will be, to be standing in His presence again...

This past Sunday I was asked to share my testimony, so I've included the link Mt Lassen Community Church (vimeo.com) for you to hear how God has been good and faithful to me through four pivotal affirmations which are:
I was blessed to have influential people in my life, God being the first, my grandma, and my parents (and numerous others but I didn't have enough time to list them all)
God was present during the event that changed the trajectory of my life (our son's death)
Getting job in Berkeley showed me that with God all things are possible
Witnessed God's miracles and answered prayers in real time through my dad's cancer
Here my conclusion of each:
1) Influential people make a difference (Matt 5:13-16; Titus 2:6-8; Isaiah 6:8)
• Think of the life lessons influential people have taught you
• How can you apply those lessons in your life?
• How can you become influential?
• What changes do you need to make?
• God teaches us how to persevere through every trial & tribulation we face (James 1)
2) No one is exempt from adversity (Isaiah 41:10)
• What we focus on determines how we live our lives going forward
• We have the choice to be a survivor or a victim
• We can ask for God’s help or we can struggle by trying to do it on our own
• I’m grateful for being hearing impaired: it’s taught me humility, compassion & empathy. What are you grateful for?
3) God can do the impossible despite our imperfections (Matt 19:26; Luke 1:37, 18:27; 1 Cor. 10:13)
• Be mindful of God’s goodness and faithfulness in every situation
• Practice gratitude daily, especially in the hardest moments of life. (James 1:2)
4) Learn to recognize when God is speaking to you (Mark 11:24; Psalm 32:8; John 16:13; Isaiah 30:21; James 1:5)
• Pay attention and be aware of His presence in your life
• Say thank you for every answered prayer and miracle
• Be intentional with seeking God’s wisdom
This morning I would like to challenge each of you to make a list of all the times God has been good and faithful to you. When you are struggling to see God's goodness, look at your list and reflect on all the times you have been protected, guided, or blessed by receiving exactly what you needed whether financially or otherwise.
Stay positive
Be grateful
Keep God's perspective of your situation
Stay focused on His goodness
Be attentive and listen for His voice as you read His Word and you will begin to recognize when God is working in your life.
James 1:5 NIV
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime