Grief: The Unplanned Road Trip
Updated: Jan 25, 2023

We never know where our life experiences will take us, this past summer I felt God prompting me to create a workshop called "Grief: The Unplanned Road Trip" for The Bereaved Parents of the USA Conference this past July, where I met Laura Diehl (she was a workshop presenter as well) and through our interaction she asked if I would be interested in doing a podcast.
I'll be honest, I was nervous about doing it, because it was stepping out of my comfort zone. But, can I tell you it was an honor to talk with Laura and what made it even more special is we recorded the podcast on what would have been Nathan's 25th Birthday! I am inspired by Laura's desire to help other bereaved parents through her website, podcasts, and music, because that is where my heart is as well. I pray you'll find hope and encouragement by listening to Laura's podcast when I was her guest speaker.
What is interesting about the podcast is 23 years earlier when our son Nathan first passed away as any new bereaved parent can attest to, I was overwhelmed by my grief and in the midst of that intense pain I felt in my heart that God was saying He would use my pain in some way. I didn't know how nor did I understand it, but as each year passes, I have seen His hand guiding me.
I have even been blessed on my grief journey by the people God has brought into my life, those who have encouraged and supported our family during the most difficult and challenging times. Romans 8:28 is true "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Now if you are newly bereaved, you may be thinking how can Jill possibly say "I was blessed" please allow me to clarify what I mean.
First and foremost, I would give ANYTHING to have Nathan back again, but I know that is not reality. After Nathan died God introduced me to a whole group of people who experienced the death of their children and when we all came together and shared our stories, there was a bond that was forged in those meetings, I witnessed their healing and even experienced it myself. We were immediately reminded that we were not alone on this journey, and now some of those parents are like family to us and because of this I feel blessed. We have carried one another's burdens and helped each other overcome the most devastating times in our lives and for that I am eternally grateful God introduced me to them.

You may be thinking it's not possible for you, but I want to encourage you to seek out a support group because there are so many wonderful non-profit organizations out there for various topics whether it's a death of a child, spouse, sibling, grandchild etc. or maybe you are dealing with an addiction or depression, there is help for that as well. I cannot stress enough how important it is to seek help, because these support groups are there to help you carry the weight of your burden.
Helpful Resources:
No matter what happens in your life, God can use it for good. If you do not have a good relationship with God, I want to encourage you to pray about it, ask God to reveal to you a way to use your painful experience to help others because He is a merciful and loving God. He wants to help you. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Your story has the potential to teach others how to navigate their way through their own situations, allow God to use your pain, don't miss out on the opportunity to help someone along the way because you will be blessed by doing so!

I will be saying a special prayer this Thanksgiving for all those who have experienced the death of a child or loved one this year and I will pray for those who are struggling with illnesses, addictions, depression etc. may God wrap his comforting arms around you and strengthen you during the holidays.
Heavenly Father,
I humbly come before you asking for your continued grace and mercy to be poured on us all. Father, be with all those who are struggling to be grateful this Thanksgiving. There's a lot of hurting people, give them the love and support they need, lead them to a support group that can help them. This Thanksgiving is bittersweet as it is moms first with you. I look forward to the day when we are all reunited again, until then I ask for your continued strength and courage to do your will. Father, speak loudly when I am going the wrong direction so that I redirect my steps and follow your lead. In Jesus precious name, Amen!

Today I am grateful that God continues to strengthen me on this journey, especially on Thanksgiving. I pray your day is peaceful, just like this photo I took of Pacific Ocean (at Point Reyes Natl Seashore). Much love to you!
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime