Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
The statement is true, laughter really IS the best medicine!
Do you have that one family member or friend in your life that is constantly making you laugh? Perhaps you have more than one...if you do consider yourself blessed. I know I am!
Let's celebrate all of our family & friends who bring laughter into our lives because they make our journey more enjoyable!
Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
Sometimes we get so bogged down by everything happening in life that we forget to laugh. So this morning I encourage you to take a deep breath and try not to take life so seriously. We need to remember to laugh at ourselves, my kids are constantly reminding me of this. I love their sense of humor because they are forever making me laugh.

My sister & I both wear hearing aids & it never fails when we are together there is usually something said that neither of us heard or understood which makes us both give funny expressions which in turn makes us laugh because we realize we're both clueless & didn't hear it. In fact, we have even had a phone conversation only later to realize we were talking about two different subjects. Which ended with us saying "OH I thought you were saying …." and us laughing hysterically because we finally realized why the conversation didn't make sense. One of us was talking about putting the kids to bed while the other thought they were talking about their head.
As I sit here & reflect on all the laughter I've shared with friends & family it brings SO many smiles to my face. In fact, some memories even make me laugh all over again. So I encourage you to take a moment to do the same because it will brighten your day!

I love this quote because I have several friends who have this affect on you all know who you are! I'm SO grateful for your friendships & all the laughter we've shared together. I personally think laughter is the best workout because my stomach always hurts when we're done laughing.
I tease my friends that I hope we're roommates when we get older because when we forget who we are it will be like having a new friend all over again and they'll be fun friends too!
Your challenge today is to reach out to your family & friends and brighten their day by sharing some laughter with them!
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime