Remove Expectations & Find Acceptance
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
How many of us find ourselves frustrated when our expectations are not met? I bet we can all relate whether it's our kids, spouse, family members, neighbors, coworkers etc. Whenever I have found myself frustrated, my husband has reminded me not to expect things from people and by doing so I would avoid being disappointed, took me a while to get this.
James 1:19-20
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Have you ever listened to Bishop TD Jakes speak? He is such a wise man, I've watched him numerous times on various Oprah programs and have read some of his books. He has taught me some valuable lessons which have transformed my way of thinking. He has taught me how to remove my expectations & to accept people at the level they are at.

TD Jakes describes people as two sizes pint size or gallon size. If you are a gallon size person you expect gallon size results, but if you are dealing with a pint size person you have to realize they are giving you all they have, it will never measure up to your expectation. Once you accept this it removes your frustration & allows you to accept them for who they are. This was a BIG ah-ha moment for me!
Do you compare yourself with others and wonder why they aren't willing to do the things for you that we are willing to do for them? So often people have questioned why I have done things for others but for me it's quite simple. It's what I would want someone to do for me if I was in that situation or struggling. Jesus says it best in Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
It makes me think about how frustrated God must be at times when he expects us to step up & do things on his behalf and we don't. Think about how often he must be disappointed. This makes me want to seize every opportunity he gives me to help others.
2 Thessalonians 3:13
And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
I realized my parents & Grandma were gallon size people as they were always doing things for us kids and their grandkids. My kids & nephews still talk about all the Mackinaw Island trips & Cedar Point trips my mom took them on and the McDonald's meals they shared together. Or the multiple sports games my parents went to in the same day. What a great example they were for all of us!
Friends, what example are we setting in our own families? Are we going above & beyond to help others? I certainly know of a lot of people who are doing this! Especially during these difficult times, it's so inspiring & uplifting to hear all the stories being shared.

Can a pint size person become a gallon size? I believe they can! I love what Maya Angelo says "when you know better you do better." We should always be looking for ways to show Gods love to others, perhaps that means working over to help a coworker, maybe it means fixing a meal for a sick friend or shoveling snow for a neighbor.
Our challenge is to look for ways to help others especially in these trying times! Let's be the rainbow in someone's cloud.
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime