The True Gift of Christmas
Updated: Jan 25, 2023
When you think of your favorite Christmas gift what comes to mind? What made it a memorable Christmas for you, was it the gift itself or the location where you received it or who you were with?
Boy, I'm not sure I could nail down just one gift as there were so many, but I do have a lot of great memories of Christmases spent with family. As I reflect back over the years I would say the time spent with my family was the best gift. When we were younger we went to both of our grandparents homes on Christmas where we spent the day with our cousins, aunts & uncles on both sides of the family. But if I were to name a favorite memory I would say one of them is when I think of my dad sitting in his rocking chair on Christmas and all the photos we have of him holding the kids in that chair when they were little.
But this morning I'd like us to focus on the one true gift that God gave us, the gift of his son.
Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

How blessed we are that God loved us enough to give us the gift of his son Jesus who was sent here to save us from our sins, now that is the best gift we could receive on Christmas!
This year Christmas seems like a time of reflection for us all, whether you are with your family or not this Christmas my wish is that you are filled with God's peace as you are reminded of wonderful memories of previous Christmases you've spent together.
For those who are celebrating Christmas without your loved ones, I lift you up in prayer that God will wrap his loving arms around you and all of your wonderful memories will bring you comfort during this difficult time.
Friends, life is precious and so are the memories we hold dear, this is a great time to pull out your photo albums and take a trip down memory lane because I would bet the photos will remind you of all the great times you've had with your family and will bring you smiles!
Wishing each one of you a safe and healthy Christmas!
God bless you!
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime
What a great memory! Thanks for sharing Elfriede!
I remember the Christmas that I was 12. My parents had bought a house that we all helped fix up and I got a new dress for Christmas. It was the first new dress as all my other dresses were hand me downs. And I remember being so happy to have our own house.