What Is THAT Noise?
Updated: Jan 25, 2023
For those of you that may not know I am hearing impaired. I've worn hearing aids since I was a child. This week I was able to get new set of aids (hearing aids that is) and they are impressive! I have all the bells and whistles....literally, there's different ring tones and beeps going off in my ear, whether it's my phone ringing or the google map lady telling me what direction to turn. I can even stream a video into them, technology is amazing isn't it?!

I am hearing noises I've never heard before! Yes, that's pretty powerful...at least it is for me.
I am not sure how normal people can function with all these noises going on all the time. I walk into a room and think now what the heck is THAT noise? It becomes distracting after awhile.
How many of us are distracted by all the noises around us?
There are many different kinds of noises or distractions in life aren't there? We have the devil telling us we're not good enough, other distractions may prevent us from doing what God called us to do. You may even have the noise from other people telling you not to pursue a dream because they don't understand what God has put on your heart.
Proverbs 22:17-18
Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.
Do any of you have those noises (or distractions) in your life? If you do, I encourage you to tune them out or in my case I would just turn my hearing aids off. 😊 Yes, I've been known to do that a time or two when I was little....lol, but it's SO important to make sure what we are only listening to or paying attention to God's voice.
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? I encourage you to pay attention to that inner voice because even though I am hearing impaired I still hear God's voice speaking to me all the time, I just have to remember to tune out the other noises that are trying to distract me.

I've realized there are blessings in hearing loss. Such as, it's peacefully quiet which means you get a good night sleep! Thankfully when our boys were little I had an awesome husband (he still is) who took the night shift, otherwise I would have needed to sleep with my hearing aids in which meant neither of us would have slept as they would have been whistling all night long.
Of course the downside of not hearing is that I miss out on a lot of conversations and often times find myself just sitting there smiling at people because I have no clue what they are talking about. You can only ask "what did they say" so many times....
I have often thought about how different my life would be if they had not invented hearing aids and what a quiet world I would actually live in. I doubt I'd be married to my current husband, I'd probably communicate through sign language.
My hearing loss has taught me how to be grateful for the life I have been given simply because of hearing aids. It is challenging and difficult at times because of my hearing loss, but I don't allow it to prevent me from interacting with the outside world and following what God is calling me to do.
Whatever noise is distracting you I hope you will learn to tune it out and to focus on the inner voice within you.
Proverbs 15:31-32
He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime