You Are Valuable!
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
Good Morning to you!
As some of you know from my previous emails our Women's Bible study group has started a new series called "Kingdom Woman" by Tony Evans & his daughter Chrystal Evans Hurst. If you have not done this study I'd encourage you to get the book, especially if you are a person who struggles to see your worth! Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Has anyone ever made you feel inferior or perhaps at times you've felt not worthy of love?
Well Tony gives a great analogy of a $100 bill, it doesn't matter what you do to the bill ex: you can crumble it, step on it & even crush it and it does not change the value of the $100 bill, it's still worth $100. So remember despite what people have said to you or what you have endured in your life or how many mistakes you've made, you are still valuable in God's eye.
Every one of us has endured difficult hardships in our lives, and I'd bet at times we have failed to love others as we should, I know I certainly have. Can I encourage you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, hold your head high & show the world that nothing will keep you down. Because you are a child of God and you ARE worthy of love! Just like our kids right? Despite their mistakes or them not following rules or listening to our advice we still love them just like God loves us!

Psalm 121:1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
This study talks about the Proverbs 31 woman and what some fail to recognize is that she is not all of these things at the same time. As Tony says "the Proverbs 31 woman is not the model of a perfect woman. Neither is a kingdom woman called to perfection." By reading this you realize that we do not have to live with unrealistic expectations of ourselves. Tony also says "you can be a Proverbs woman and more but that doesn't means you do it all at the same time." he says "your life flows through different seasons, each of these seasons carries with it a different time constraints, blessings and demands." This eliminates the stress of feeling like you have to do it all alone doesn't it?
The valuable lesson for me is to remove my pride & to never be ashamed to ask for help!

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God , who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
So in the coming week let's follow Tony's example of having our goal be "to let our fear of God be the overriding influence in our life."
Have a great week everyone!
Written by: Jill Theriault
Crossroads Coaching - @crossroadscoachingongodstime
I love Gods perfect timing! 💕
Oh how I needed that this morning!